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China Trademark Application

China trademarks currently adopt the principle of pre-registration, and the Chinese market is vast. Enterprises use registered trademarks to create their own brands, seize the Chinese market, and protect their brands from others in advance.

    China Trademark


    Review Time

    About 8-12 months

    Dedicated Period

    10 Years



    Application Process

    l STEP 1

    Provide Trademark And Choose The Category

    STEP 2

    Search Of The Trademark

    Z STEP 3

    Check The Trademark Application Document

    i STEP 4

    Submit The Trademark Application

    STEP 5

    Received Certificate


    From January 1, 2022, the method of obtaining the Chinese trademark registration certificate has been changed

    Submit the application in paper form: send the “Notice of Obtaining a Trademark Registration Certificate”, and the applicant will specify the website address and extraction code in the notice, and log on to the China Trademark website to obtain the electronic trademark registration certificate.

    Electronic submission of application: Log in to China Trademark Network to obtain an electronic trademark registration certificate.

    The electronic trademark registration certificate can be checked and printed by itself, and the State Intellectual Property Office of China will no longer send paper trademark registration certificates.

    Chinese companies register the "Musk" trademark

    Elon Musk, the chief executive of the electric car manufacturer Tesla, has risen in value and fame. Recently, he has become a hot sign in China. All walks of life are rushing to register “Musk” as a trademark. Even educational institutions and clothing brands. In China, the name “Musk” has been madly rushed to be registered as a trademark by various private industries. In addition to the mixed use of “Elon Musk” and “Elon Musk”, there are also several names “Beijing Musk” and “Elon Musk”, “Hangzhou Musk” and “Shenzhen Musk” established technology companies.

    A number of companies in China applied for the trademarks of "Yuan Yu Zho" and "metaapp"

    Since October 28, 2021, Facebook announced that it would change its name to Meta, and announced that it would become Meta Universe in the next five years. Many companies have begun to apply for trademarks of related names.

    Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. applied for the registration of the “metaapp” trademark. The category involves design research and scientific instruments.

    NetEase (Hangzhou) Network Co., Ltd., Guangzhou NetEase Computer System Co., Ltd. and many other NetEase related companies applied for registration of trademarks such as “NetEase Yuan Universe”, “Lei Huo Yuan Universe”, “Fuxi Yuan Universe”, and the categories involved advertising sales, education and entertainment, and websites. Services, etc.

    China Ningde city first trademark brand guidance station was established

    The first trademark and brand guidance station in Ningde City, China was established in Dingtou Town, Fuding City. It will play an important role in protecting intellectual property rights, implementing trademark and brand strategies, and promoting the establishment of corporate trademark brands.

    Dingtou Town is the birthplace of China’s “Fuding White Tea” and also a concentration of tea merchants. There are more than 400 merchants. According to the relevant person in charge of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Fuding City, this trademark brand guidance station has established a one-stop service platform for trademark intellectual property rights, which can assist companies in registering trademarks, safeguarding their legal rights and interests in trademarks, guiding the use of trademarks, and providing comprehensive knowledge Comprehensive property rights services help companies apply for trademarks and brands.

    Chinese companies rush to register the "Kudo Shin-ichi" trademark

    Well-known victims of the Chinese trademark cockroach include Apple’s iPhone, Nike’s “Jordan” brand, and Japan’s “MUJI” (MUJI). Recently, the latest victim, “Kudo Shin-ichi”, the male protagonist of the well-known Japanese comic “Detective Conan”, was found to have been trademarked by many Chinese companies, including clothing, shoes and hats, and fitness equipment.


    • The use of trademark on goods or services must not exceed the specified range of the registration, otherwise it will not be protected by law.

    • If the user is not a registrant or authorized person, it is not considered to be a legal use of a trademark.

    • In addition to being marked on goods, trademarks may also be marked on goods packaging, containers, manuals, labels, price lists, advertising catalogs and other objects.